Palo Santo Smudge Stick

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Smudging is powerful stuff!

Cleansing your home through the power of smudging can have a dramatic impact on your mood. It can heighten spirits, soothe anxiety, improve cognitive thoughts and even encourage golden slumbers that leave you rejuvenated and ready to face the world.


Open the windows or doors so that the negative energy has someplace to go.

Ignite the tip of your Palo Santo stick and let it burn for a few seconds. Blow out the flame and allow it to smoulder and smoke, make sure you have a heat proof dish handy.

Move calmly through your home, walking clockwise around the perimeter of each room waving the Palo Santo gently into the hidden corners and shadows where negativity energy loves to hide.

While you are moving through your home say a blessing/affirmation - "Bless this home and all who enter, please cleanse this home of all stagnant and negative energy. Fill this home with light, love and positive energy". Or alternatively, choose something you more feel connected and comfortable with.

Once you have finished, extinguish the Palo Santo stick (or let it extinguish itself) and take a moment to thank yourself for clearing your homes energy.


There aren't any specific timelines on when to smudge your home, but you can do this whenever you feel necessary. If your space or mind feels negative, crowded, or stressed, it might be time to light your smudge stick. Some people smudge daily, and others do it upon entering a new phase of their life.


• Before you go to bed after a long day around people
• Before and after a you’ve had guests at your home
• When you move into a new home
• When you begin a new job
• When you start your own business
• Before and after a healing session
• Before meditation
• After any illness
• After an argument / conflict
• After cleaning the house